Data rights

Where not limited by pre-existing terms of use, all data are published with a CC0 public domain dedication (copyright waiver). The tree data store is available at

Software licenses

Open Tree of Life uses free and open-source software where possible. All software developed as part of this project is open source and available at>. Below are the JavaScript components used, licensing and source information for each.

JavaScript license information

All inline JavaScript in the Open Tree of Life web applications is licensed under the BSD 2-clause (FreeBSD) license. Linked and external JavaScript files are licensed as described in the web labels below.

File used in site License Un-minified source code
html5shiv.js GPL 2 html5shiv.js
superfish.js Expat (as MIT) superfish.js
raphael-min.js Expat (as MIT) raphael.js
drawtree.js FreeBSD (as BSD 2-Clause) drawtree.js
drawtree.js FreeBSD (as BSD 2-Clause) drawtree.js
jquery.history.js BSD 3-Clause (as New BSD) jquery.history.js
jquery.splitter-0.6.js GPL 3 jquery.splitter-0.6.js
bootstrap-transition.js Apache 2 bootstrap-transition.js
bootstrap-alert.js Apache 2 bootstrap-alert.js
bootstrap-modal.js Apache 2 bootstrap-modal.js
bootstrap-dropdown.js Apache 2 bootstrap-dropdown.js
bootstrap-scrollspy.js Apache 2 bootstrap-scrollspy.js
bootstrap-tab.js Apache 2 bootstrap-tab.js
bootstrap-tooltip.js Apache 2 bootstrap-tooltip.js
bootstrap-popover.js Apache 2 bootstrap-popover.js
bootstrap-button.js Apache 2 bootstrap-button.js
bootstrap-collapse.js Apache 2 bootstrap-collapse.js
bootstrap-carousel.js Apache 2 bootstrap-carousel.js
bootstrap-typeahead.js Apache 2 bootstrap-typeahead.js
web2py.js Lesser GPL web2py.js
calendar.js Lesser GPL calendar.js
moment.min.js Expat (as MIT)
study-creation.js FreeBSD (as BSD 2-Clause) study-creation.js
study-editor.js FreeBSD (as BSD 2-Clause) study-editor.js
curation-helpers.js FreeBSD (as BSD 2-Clause) curation-helpers.js
modernizr.custom.js Expat (as MIT)
json2.js Public Domain json2.js
knockout-2.3.0.js Expat (as MIT)
knockout-bootstrap.min.js Expat (as MIT)
knockout-paged-e4a5770702.js Expat (as MIT) knockout-paged.js
jquery.fileupload.js Expat (as MIT) jquery.fileupload.js
jquery.iframe-transport.js Expat (as MIT) jquery.iframe-transport.js
jquery.ui.widget.js Expat (as MIT) jquery.ui.widget.js
bootstrap-tagsinput.min.js Expat (as MIT)
bootstrap-dropdown.js Apache 2
d3.phylogram.js FreeBSD (as BSD 2-Clause) d3.phylogram.js
d3.v3.min.js BSD 3-Clause d3.js

