Bibliographic references for the synthetic tree

The following studies (listed alphabetically by first author) have contributed to the current synthetic tree.

A. Bucklin, B. Frost, J. Bradford-Grieve, L. Allen, N. Copley, 2003, 'Molecular systematic and phylogenetic assessment of 34 calanoid copepod species of the Calanidae and Clausocalanidae', Marine Biology, vol. 142, no. 2, pp. 333-343
Quintero, Esther, Camila C. Ribas, Joel Cracraft. 2012. The Andean Hapalopsittaca parrots (Psittacidae, Aves): an example of montane-tropical lowland vicariance. Zoologica Scripta 42 (1): 28-43.
1987 Schaefer, S.A. Osteology of Hypostomus plecostomus (Linnaeus), with a phylogenetic analysis of the loricariid subfamilies (Pisces: Siluroidei). Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, no. 394, 31 p
A. A. Crowl, N. W. Miles, C. J. Visger, K. Hansen, T. Ayers, R. Haberle, N. Cellinese, 2016, 'A global perspective on Campanulaceae: Biogeographic, genomic, and floral evolution', American Journal of Botany
A. C. Schneider, W. A. Freyman, C. M. Guilliams, Y. P. Springer, B. G. Baldwin, 2016, 'Pleistocene radiation of the serpentine-adapted genus Hesperolinon and other divergence times in Linaceae (Malpighiales)', American Journal of Botany, vol. 103, no. 2, pp. 221-232
A. Delgado-Salinas, M. Thulin, R. Pasquet, N. Weeden, M. Lavin. 2011. Vigna (Leguminosae) sensu lato: The names and identities of the American segregate genera. American Journal of Botany 98(10):1694-1715.
A. E. Syme, T. H. Oakley, 2011, 'Dispersal between Shallow and Abyssal Seas and Evolutionary Loss and Regain of Compound Eyes in Cylindroleberidid Ostracods: Conflicting Conclusions from Different Comparative Methods', Systematic Biology, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 314-336
A. Leuchtmann, C. W. Bacon, C. L. Schardl, J. F. White, M. Tadych, 2014, 'Nomenclatural realignment of Neotyphodium species with genus Epichloe', Mycologia, vol. 106, no. 2, pp. 202-215
A. Manegold, 2008, 'Composition and phylogenetic affinities of vangas (Vangidae, Oscines, Passeriformes) based on morphological characters', Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 267-277
A. da Marcela Vasco-Palacios, C. Lopez-Quintero, A. E. Franco-Molano, T. Boekhout, 2014, 'Austroboletus amazonicus sp. nov. and Fistulinella campinaranae var. scrobiculata, two commonly occurring boletes from a forest dominated by Pseudomonotes tropenbosii (Dipterocarpaceae) in Colombian Amazonia', Mycologia, vol. 106, no. 5, pp. 1004-1014
ALAN H. BORNBUSCH, 1995, 'Phylogenetic relationships within the Eurasian catfish family Siluridae (Pisces: Siluriformes), with comments on generic validities and biogeography', Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 115, no. 1, pp. 1-46
ALICE CIBOIS, JEAN-CLAUDE THIBAULT, ERIC PASQUET, 2008, 'Systematics of the extinct reed warblers Acrocephalus of the Society Islands of eastern Polynesia', Ibis, vol. 150, no. 2, pp. 365-376
Abalde S., Tenorio M.J., Afonso C.M., Uribe J.E., Echeverry A.M., & Zardoya R. 2017. Phylogenetic relationships of cone snails endemic to Cabo Verde based on mitochondrial genomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17: 231.
Abasova L., Aghayeva D., & Takamatsu S. 2018. Notes on powdery mildews of the genus Erysiphe from Azerbaijan. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology, 8(1): 50-53 .
Achimon F., Johnson L., Cocucci A., Sersic A., & Baranzelli M.C. 2018. Species tree phylogeny, character evolution and biogeography of the Patagonian genus Anarthrophyllum Benth. (Fabaceae). Organisms Diversity & Evolution, .
Adam L. Bazinet, Michael P. Cummings, Kim T. Mitter, Charles W. Mitter, 2013, 'Can RNA-Seq Resolve the Rapid Radiation of Advanced Moths and Butterflies (Hexapoda: Lepidoptera: Apoditrysia)? An Exploratory Study', PLoS ONE, vol. 8, no. 12, p. e82615
Adamcik S., Slovak M., Eberhardt U., Ronikier A., Jairus T., Hampe F., & Verbeken A. 2016. Molecular inference, multivariate morphometrics and ecological assessment are applied in concert to delimit species in the Russula clavipes complex. Mycologia, 108(4): 716-730.
Adams N.F., Collinson M.E., Smith S.Y., Bamford M.K., Forest F., Malakasi P., Marone F., & Sykes D. 2016. X-rays and virtual taphonomy reveal the first fossil record of Cissus (Vitaceae) in Africa: phylogenetic, biogeographic and paleoenvironmental implications. American Journal of Botany, .
Adeljean L.F.C. Ho, Christin L. Pruett, Junda Lin, 2016, 'Phylogeny and biogeography of Poecilia (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliinae) across Central and South America based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 101, pp. 32-45
Agarwal I., Ceríaco L.M., Metallinou M., Jackman T.R., & Bauer A. 2021. How the African house gecko (Hemidactylus mabouia) conquered the world. Royal Society Open Science, 8(8): 210749.
Agnarsson, I., Zambrana-torrelio C.M., Flores saldaña N.P., & May-collado L.M. 2011. A time-calibrated species-level phylogeny of bats (Chiroptera, Mammalia). PLoS Currents: Tree of Life, Version 44.
Agorreta, Ainhoa, Diego San Mauro, Ulrich Schliewen, James L. Van Tassell, Marcelo Kovačić, Rafael Zardoya, Lukas Rüber. 2013. Molecular phylogenetics of Gobioidei and phylogenetic placement of European gobies. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69 (3): 619-633.
Ahyong, S., Lai J., Sharkey D., Colgan D., & Ng P. 2007. Phylogenetics of the brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda): the status of Podotremata based on small subunit nuclear ribosomal RNA. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45 (2): 576-586.
Ainscough, B. J., Breinholt, J. W., Robison, H. W., & Crandall, K. A. (2013). Molecular phylogenetics of the burrowing crayfish genus Fallicambarus (Decapoda: Cambaridae). Zoologica Scripta.
Akito Y. Kawahara, Jesse W. Breinholt, Marianne Espeland, Caroline Storer, David Plotkin, Kelly M. Dexter, Emmanuel F.A. Toussaint, Ryan A. St Laurent, Gunnar Brehm, Sergio Vargas, Dimitri Forero, Naomi E. Pierce, David J. Lohman, 2018, 'Phylogenetics of moth-like butterflies (Papilionoidea: Hedylidae) based on a new 13-locus target capture probe set', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 127, pp. 600-605
Alencar, Laura R.V., Tiago B. Quental, Felipe G. Grazziotin, Michael L. Alfaro, Marcio Martins, Mericien Venzon, Hussam Zaher. 2016. Diversification in vipers: Phylogenetic relationships, time of divergence and shifts in speciation rates. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 105: 50-62
Alex Dornburg, Jon Moore, Jeremy M. Beaulieu, Ron I. Eytan, Thomas J. Near, 2014, 'The impact of shifts in marine biodiversity hotspots on patterns of range evolution: Evidence from the Holocentridae (squirrelfishes and soldierfishes)', Evolution, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 146-161
Alexandrou, M. A., Swartz, B. A., Matzke, N. J., & Oakley, T. H. (2013). Genome duplication and multiple evolutionary origins of complex migratory behavior in Salmonidae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69(3), 514–523. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2013.07.026
Aliabadian, Mansour, Mohammad Kaboli, Roger Prodon, Vincent Nijman, Miguel Vences. 2007. Phylogeny of Palaearctic wheatears (genus Oenanthe)—Congruence between morphometric and molecular data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 42 (3): 665-675
Allen G. Collins, Bastian Bentlage, Alberto Lindner, Dhugal Lindsay, Steven H.D. Haddock, Gerhard Jarms, Jon L. Norenburg, Thomas Jankowski, Paulyn Cartwright, 2008, 'Phylogenetics of Trachylina (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) with new insights on the evolution of some problematical taxa', Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, vol. 88, no. 08, p. 1673
Allen G., Soltis D., & Soltis P. 2003. Phylogeny and biogeography of Erythronium (Liliaceae) inferred from chloroplast matK and nuclear rDNA ITS sequences. Systematic Botany, 28(3): 512-523.
Almeida, Francisca C., Norberto P. Giannini, Nancy B. Simmons, Kristofer M. Helgen. 2014. Each flying fox on its own branch: a phylogenetic tree for Pteropus and related genera (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 77: 83-95.
Alstrom, P., D. M. Hooper, Y. Liu, U. Olsson, D. Mohan, M. Gelang, H. Le Manh, J. Zhao, F. Lei, T. D. Price. 2014. Discovery of a relict lineage and monotypic family of passerine birds. Biology Letters 10 (3): 20131067-20131067.
Alström, P., Mohammadi, Z., Enbody, E., Irestedt, M., Engelbrecht, D., Crochet, P.-A., Guillaumet, A., Rancilhac, L., Tieleman, B. I., Olsson, U., Donald, P. F., & Stervander, M. (2023). Systematics of the avian family Alaudidae using multilocus and genomic data. Avian Research, 100095.
Alström, Per, Keith N. Barnes, Urban Olsson, F. Keith Barker, Paulette Bloomer, Aleem Ahmed Khan, Masood Ahmed Qureshi, Alban Guillaumet, Pierre-André Crochet, Peter G. Ryan. 2013. Multilocus phylogeny of the avian family Alaudidae (larks) reveals complex morphological evolution, non-monophyletic genera and hidden species diversity. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69 (3): 1043-1056.
Amanda F. Cunha, Allen G. Collins, Antonio C. Marques, 2017, 'Phylogenetic relationships of Proboscoida Broch, 1910 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa): Are traditional morphological diagnostic characters relevant for the delimitation of lineages at the species, genus, and family levels?', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 106, pp. 118-135
Amy E. Zanne, David C. Tank, William K. Cornwell, Jonathan M. Eastman, Stephen A. Smith, Richard G. FitzJohn, Daniel J. McGlinn, Brian C. O’Meara, Angela T. Moles, Peter B. Reich, Dana L. Royer, Douglas E. Soltis, Peter F. Stevens, Mark Westoby, Ian J. Wright, Lonnie Aarssen, Robert I. Bertin, Andre Calaminus, Rafaël Govaerts, Frank Hemmings, Michelle R. Leishman, Jacek Oleksyn, Pamela S. Soltis, Nathan G. Swenson, Laura Warman, Jeremy M. Beaulieu, 2013, 'Three keys to the radiation of angiosperms into freezing environments', Nature, vol. 506, no. 7486, pp. 89-92
Andrea M. Quattrini, Samuel E. Georgian, Luke Byrnes, Alex Stevens, Rosalia Falco, Erik E. Cordes, 2013, 'Niche divergence by deep-sea octocorals in the genusCallogorgiaacross the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico', Molecular Ecology, vol. 22, no. 15, pp. 4123-4140
Andrea R. Garfinkel, Marilinda Lorenzini, Giacomo Zapparoli, Gary A. Chastagner, 2017, 'Botrytis euroamericana, a new species from peony and grape in North America and Europe', Mycologia, vol. 109, no. 3, pp. 495-507
Andres B., & Ji Q. 2008. A new pterosaur from the Liaoning Province of China, the phylogeny of the Pterodactyloidea, and convergence in their cervical vertebrae. Palaeontology, 51(2): 453-469.
Andres B.B., Clark J.M., & Xu X. 2012. A new rhamphorhynchid pterosaur from the Upper Jurassic of Xinjiang, China, and the phylogenetic relationships of basal pterosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 30(1): 163-187.
Andrew L. Hipp, Paul S. Manos, Antonio González-Rodríguez, Marlene Hahn, Matthew Kaproth, John D. McVay, Susana Valencia Avalos, Jeannine Cavender-Bares, 2017, 'Sympatric parallel diversification of major oak clades in the Americas and the origins of Mexican species diversity', New Phytologist, vol. 217, no. 1, pp. 439-452
Anil raj K., Deepna latha K., Rajan I., & Manimohan P. 2016. Rhodophana squamulosa —a new species from India. Mycoscience, 57 (2): 90-95.
Anker, A., & Baeza J. 2012. Molecular and morphological phylogeny of hooded shrimps, genera Betaeus and Betaeopsis (Decapoda, Alpheidae): testing the Center of Origin biogeographic model and evolution of life history traits. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 64 (3): 401-415.
Anna V. Williams, Joseph T. Miller, Ian Small, Paul G. Nevill, Laura M. Boykin, 2016, 'Integration of complete chloroplast genome sequences with small amplicon datasets improves phylogenetic resolution in Acacia', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 96, pp. 1-8
Annie R Lindgren, Molly S Pankey, Frederick G Hochberg, Todd H Oakley, 2012, 'A multi-gene phylogeny of Cephalopoda supports convergent morphological evolution in association with multiple habitat shifts in the marine environment', BMC Evolutionary Biology, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 129
Anthony J. Geneva, Jared Hilton, Sabina Noll, Richard E. Glor, 2015, 'Multilocus phylogenetic analyses of Hispaniolan and Bahamian trunk anoles (distichus species group)', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 87, pp. 105-117
Antoine Simon, Bernard Goffinet, Nicolas Magain, Emmanuël Sérusiaux, 2018, 'High diversity, high insular endemism and recent origin in the lichen genus Sticta (lichenized Ascomycota, Peltigerales) in Madagascar and the Mascarenes', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 122, pp. 15-28
Antonio F. Nogueira Júnior, Ivan H. Fischer, Carlos A. D. Bragança, Nelson S. Massola Júnior, Lilian Amorim, 2015, 'Identification of Botryosphaeriaceae species that cause stylar-end rot of guavas and characterisation of the disease monocycle', European Journal of Plant Pathology, vol. 144, no. 2, pp. 271-287
Aoki T., & O'donnell K. 1999. Morphological and molecular characterization of Fusarium pseudograminearum sp. nov., formerly recognized as the group 1 population of F. graminearum. Mycologia, 1999(4): 597-609.
Aoki T., O'donnell K., Homma Y., & Lattanzi A. 2003. Sudden death syndrome of soybean is caused by two morphologically and phylogenetically distinct species within the Fusarium solani species complex, F. virguliforme in North America and F. tucumaniae in South America. Mycologia, 95(4): 660-684.
Aoki T., Scandiani M.M., & O'donnell K. 2011. Phenotypic, molecular phylogenetic and pathogenetic characterization of Fusarium crassistipitatum sp. nov., a novel soybean sudden death syndrome pathogen from Argentina and Brazil. Mycoscience, 53(3), 167-186
Aoki T., Suga H., Hyakumachi M., Scandiani M.M., & O'donnell K. 2012. Fusarium azukicola sp. nov., a novel exotic azuki bean root-rot pathogen in Hokkaido, Japan. Mycologia, 104(5): 1068-1084.
Arbabi, Tayebeh, Javier Gonzalez, Michael Wink. 2014. A re-evaluation of phylogenetic relationships within reed warblers (Aves: Acrocephalidae) based on eight molecular loci and ISSR profiles. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 78: 304-313.
Arcila, Dahiana, Guillermo Ortí, Richard Vari, Jonathan W. Armbruster, Melanie L. J. Stiassny, Kyung D. Ko, Mark H. Sabaj, John Lundberg, Liam J. Revell, Ricardo Betancur-R., 2017, 'Genome-wide interrogation advances resolution of recalcitrant groups in the tree of life', Nature Ecology & Evolution, vol. 1, p. 0020
Armbruster J.W. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships of the suckermouth armoured catfishes (Loricariidae) with emphasis on the Hypostominae and the Ancistrinae. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 141(1): 1-80.
Armenta, Jessica K., Jason D. Weckstein, Daniel F. Lane. 2005. Geographic variation in mitochondrial DNA sequences of an Amazonian nonpasserine: The Black-spotted Barbet complex. The Condor 107 (3): 527-536.[0527:gvimds];2
Arora D., & Frank J.L. 2014. Clarifying the Butter Boletes: a new genus, Butyriboletus, is established to accommodate Boletus sect. Appendiculati, and seven new species are described. Mycologia, 106(3): 464-480.
Arshad, Muhammad, Javier Gonzalez, Abdel Aziz El-Sayed, Tim Osborne, Michael Wink. 2009. Phylogeny and phylogeography of critically endangered Gyps species based on nuclear and mitochondrial markers. Journal of Ornithology 150 (2): 419-430.
Arunpak Pitakpong, Ekaphan Kraichak, Khwanruan Butsathorn Papong, Nooduan Muangsan, Pongthep Suwanwaree, H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Robert Lücking, 2015, 'New species and records of the lichen genus Graphis (Graphidaceae, Ascomycota) from Thailand', The Lichenologist, vol. 47, no. 05, pp. 335-342
Astrid Cornils, Leocadio Blanco-Bercial, 2013, 'Phylogeny of the Paracalanidae Giesbrecht, 1888 (Crustacea: Copepoda: Calanoida)', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 861-872
Azani, Nasim, et al. "A new subfamily classification of the Leguminosae based on a taxonomically comprehensive phylogeny The Legume Phylogeny Working Group (LPWG)." Taxon 66.1 (2017): 44-77.
Azevedo E., Barata M., Marques I.M., & Caeiro M.F. 2017. Lulworthia atlantica: a new species supported by molecular phylogeny and morphological analysis. Mycologia, 109(2): 287-295.
Baeza, J. 2013. Baeza, J.A. 2013. Multi-locus molecular phylogeny of broken-back shrimps (genus Lysmata and allies): a test of the 'Tomlinson-Ghiselin' hypothesis explaining the evolution of simultaneous hermaphroditism. Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics 69 (1): 46-62.
Balci Y., Balci S., Blair J., Park S., Kang S., & Macdonald W. 2007. Phytophthora quercetorum sp. nov., a novel species isolated from eastern and north-central US oak forest soils. Mycological Research, null.
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Baldwin B.G., Kalisz S., & Armbruster W.S. 2011. Phylogenetic perspectives on diversification, biogeography, and floral evolution of Collinsia and Tonella (Plantaginaceae). American Journal of Botany, 98(4): 731-753.
Ban S., Sakane T., Toyama K., & Nakagiri A. 2009. Teleomorph-anamorph relationships and reclassification of Cordyceps cuboidea and its allied species. Mycoscience, 50: 261-272.
Banks, J., & Paterson A. 2004. A penguin-chewing louse (Insecta: Phthiraptera) phylogeny derived from morphology. Invertebrate Systematics 18 (1): 89-100.
Barber N.A., Jones H.P., Duvall M.R., Wysocki W.P., Hansen M.J., & Gibson D.J. 2016. Phylogenetic diversity is maintained despite richness losses over time in restored tallgrass prairie plant communities. Journal of Applied Ecology, .
Barker, F. K., K. J. Burns, J. Klicka, S. M. Lanyon, I. J. Lovette. 2013. Going to extremes: contrasting rates of diversification in a recent radiation of New World passerine birds. Systematic Biology 62 (2): 298-320.
Barker, F. Keith, Alice Cibois, Peter Schikler, Julie Feinstein, Joel Cracraft. 2004. Phylogeny and diversification of the largest avian radiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (30): 11040-11045.
Barker, F. Keith, Kevin J. Burns, John Klicka, Scott M. Lanyon, Irby J. Lovette. 2015. New insights into New World biogeography: An integrated view from the phylogeny of blackbirds, cardinals, sparrows, tanagers, warblers, and allies. The Auk 132 (2): 333-348.
Barker, F.K. 2014. Mitogenomic data resolve basal relationships among passeriform and passeridan birds. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 79: 313-324.
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Barrett R., Bayly M.J., Duretto M., Forster P.I., Ladiges P.Y., & Cantrill D.J. 2018. Phylogenetic analysis of Zieria (Rutaceae) in Australia and New Caledonia based on nuclear ribosomal DNA shows species polyphyly, divergent paralogues and incongruence with chloroplast DNA. Australian Systematic Botany, 31: 16-47.
Bartosova P., Fiala I., & Hypsa V. 2009. Concatenated SSU and LSU rDNA data confirm the main evolutionary trends within myxosporeans (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) and provide an effective tool for their molecular phylogenetics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 53(1): 81-93.
Bazinet, A. L., Mitter, K. T., Davis, D. R., Van Nieukerken, E. J., Cummings, M. P., & Mitter, C. (2017). Phylotranscriptomics resolves ancient divergences in the Lepidoptera. Systematic Entomology, 42(2), 305-316
Bell, C. D. (2007). Phylogenetic placement and biogeography of the North American species of Valerianella (Valerianaceae: Dipsacales) based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 44(3), 929-941.
Benayahu Y, Ofwegen LP van, Soong K, Dai C-F, Jeng M-S, Shlagman A, Hsieh HJ, McFadden CS (2013) Diversity and distribution of Octocorals (Coelenterata: Anthozoa) on the coral reefs of Penghu, Taiwan. Zoological Studies 51: 1529-1548.
Bendiksby, M., Thorbek, L., Scheen, A. C., Lindqvist, C., & Ryding, O. (2011). An updated phylogeny and classification of Lamiaceae subfamily Lamioideae. Taxon, 60(2), 471-484.
Benedict King, Tuo Qiao, Michael S. Y. Lee, Min Zhu, John A. Long, 2016, 'Bayesian Morphological Clock Methods Resurrect Placoderm Monophyly and Reveal Rapid Early Evolution in Jawed Vertebrates', Systematic Biology, p. syw107
Benjamin Ollomo, Patrick Durand, Franck Prugnolle, Emmanuel Douzery, Celine Arnathau, Dieudonne Nkoghe, Eric Leroy, Francois Renaud, 2009, 'A New Malaria Agent in African Hominids', PLoS Pathogens, vol. 5, no. 5, p. e1000446
Benny K. K. Chan, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Yi-Yang Chen, 2013, 'Biodiversity and host specificity of coral barnacles of Galkinia (Cirripedia: Pyrgomatidae) in Taiwan, with descriptions of six new species', Journal of Crustacean Biology, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 392-431
Benny K.K. CHAN, Chi Chiu CHEANG, I-Han CHEN, Gregory A. KOLBASOV, 2013, '<p><strong>Acrothoracican barnacles (Lithoglyptida) in Taiwan, including the taxonomic status of <em>Balanodytes</em> <em>taiwanus</em> Utinomi, 1950 and cryptic diversity of <em>Auritoglyptes bicornis</em> (Aurivillius, 1892)</strong></p>', Zootaxa, vol. 3694, no. 3, p. 221
Bentlage B. 2010. Evolution of box jellyfish (Cnidaria: Cubozoa), a group of highly toxic invertebrates. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277(1680): 493-501.
Benz, Brett W., Mark B. Robbins, A. Townsend Peterson. 2006. Evolutionary history of woodpeckers and allies (Aves: Picidae): placing key taxa on the phylogenetic tree. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40 (2): 389-399.
Benz, Brett W., Mark B. Robbins. 2011. Molecular phylogenetics, vocalizations, and species limits in Celeus woodpeckers (Aves: Picidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 61 (1): 29-44.
Beresford, P., F.K. Barker, P.G. Ryan, T.M. Crowe. 2005. African endemics span the tree of songbirds (Passeri): molecular systematics of several evolutionary 'enigmas'. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1565): 849-858
Bertelli, Sara, Ana Luz Porzecanski. 2004. Tinamou (Tinamidae) systematics: a preliminary combined analysis of morphology and molecules. 2004. Ornithologia Neotropical 15: 293-299
Besnard, Guillaume, Joris A. M. Bertrand, Boris Delahaie, Yann X. C. Bourgeois, Emeline Lhuillier, Christophe Thébaud. 2015. Valuing museum specimens: high-throughput DNA sequencing on historical collections of New Guinea crowned pigeons (Goura). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117 (1): 71-82
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Betancur-R., Ricardo, Richard E. Broughton, Edward O. Wiley, Kent Carpenter, J. Andrés López, Chenhong Li, Nancy I. Holcroft, Dahiana Arcila, Millicent Sanciangco, James C Cureton II, Feifei Zhang, Thaddaeus Buser, Matthew A. Campbell, Jesus A Ballesteros, Adela Roa-Varon, Stuart Willis, W. Calvin Borden, Thaine Rowley, Paulette C. Reneau, Daniel J. Hough, Guoqing Lu, Terry Grande, Gloria Arratia, Guillermo Ortí. 2013. The Tree of Life and a New Classification of Bony Fishes. PLoS Currents
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Bhushan Shrestha, Min Woo Hyun, Junsang Oh, Jae-Gu Han, Tae Ho Lee, Jae Youl Cho, Hyojeung Kang, Seong Hwan Kim, Gi-Ho Sung, 2014, 'Molecular evidence of a teleomorph-anamorph connection between Cordyceps scarabaeicola and Beauveria sungii and its implication for the systematics of Cordyceps sensu stricto', Mycoscience, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 231-239
Bills G., Polishook J., Goetz M., Sullivan R., & White J. 2002. Chaunopycnis pustulata sp. nov., a new clavicipitalean anamorph producing metabolites that modulate potassium ion channels. Mycological Progress, 1(1): 3-17.
Binder M., & Bresinsky A. 2002. Retiboletus, a new genus for a species-complex in the Boletaceae producing retipolides. Feddes Repertorium, 113(1-2): 30-40.;30::AID-FEDR30&gt;3.0.CO;2-D
Bischoff J., Sullivan R., Kjer K., & Jr J. 2004. Phylogenetic placement of the anamorphic tribe Ustilaginoideae (Hypocreales, Ascomycota). Mycologia, 96: 1088-1094.
Bischoff, Joseph F., Priscila Chaverri, and James F. White. "Clarification of the host substrate of Ascopolyporus and description of Ascopolyporus philodendrus sp. nov." Mycologia 97.3 (2005): 710-717.
Bischoff, Joseph F., Stephen A. Rehner, and Richard A. Humber. "A multilocus phylogeny of the Metarhizium anisopliae lineage." Mycologia 101.4 (2009): 512-530.
Bjarte H. Jordal, 2015, 'Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the weevil subfamily Platypodinae reveals evolutionarily conserved range patterns', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 92, pp. 294-307
Blanchard, Benjamin D., Corrie S. Moreau. 2016. Defensive traits exhibit an evolutionary trade-off and drive diversification in ants. Evolution
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